Mr. GG and I have moved....the biggest stress of the year....and now we are working on getting settled in our new house. We are at the time of life when we want to minimize our work and our last home was more than we needed to be responsible for. It was our favorite home and we do miss it but NOT all the care. Mr GG
This hiatus has also been a time for way too much illness on my part and 2012 promises to be a better year in that regard as well! I was down for several weeks at a time suffering from a chronic condition then we totally missed Christmas and nearly New Years as well due to two bouts with the flu. I've opened the doors and the fresh breezes have blown out the germs so I'm ready to go!
Grandma G's and this blog have been dormant too long. I am readying new products to list and hope to be back in full swing very soon. I have missed my business and the interaction with all of my customers and friends.....don't give up on Grandma G's...
Hoping 2012 will be a wonderful, productive and happy year for all of us!!