Friday Flea Market was organized by Polly at Counting Your Blessings as
a way for bloggers to sell from their blogs!
Please click the FFM logo above to see the list of participating bloggers
and then start shopping!! Grandma G's FFM items can be found at my new blog:
Grandma G's, Too!!

Also as many of you know, Make Mine Pink has themed shopping on every Friday!
This week's theme is "In the Hope Chest". Please shop Pink Friday with the boutiques
at Make Mine Pink and discover wonderful items that would be found in a
hope chest....you remember, those items you put away for the magical time in your life when you would be a new wife with
a home of your own to furnish!!
Click the photo to go see which boutiques are participating and get started shopping!
For either the Friday Flea Market or MMP Pink Friday there will be no driving, no waiting in lines, or crowds at the mall....get your cup of coffee or tea, sit in your comfy chair and shop at home!!
Woo Hoo! I LOOOOOVE shopping! I'm heading over right now and I'm still in my pajamas! Do you think anyone will notice?
I nominated you for the Marie Antoinette award- go to my blog to find out more!
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